Certainty in Every Word

Streamline operations, meet tight deadlines, and maintain unwavering accuracy in your legal transcripts—all while ensuring ironclad security and compliance.

Trusted by 1M+ Users and 125K+ Organizations

What’s New

Rev’s Latest Features

Expand Your Capabilities 

Trial Support

Seamlessly handle trial proceedings all in one platform.

Easy & Precise Scheduling

Pick Your Date

Choose exact delivery dates to align perfectly with your deadlines.

Streamline file management

Zip Folder Uploads

Save time with bulk file uploads using our new zip folder support.

Centralize Your Proceedings

Multi-Channel Audio

We can now ingest the most common multi-channel audio formats, including FTR.

every transcript is compatible with major court reporting software

Transcripts In Minutes

Instant Rough Draft

$0.35 per page
$0.25 per minute
> 30 minutes
AI transcripts in 30 minutes or less
Industry-leading transcript accuracy
Q/A and bylines included
Multi-channel audio support
Support for multiple file types, including trials
Transcripts With A Human Touch

Human Rough Draft

$2.25 per page
$1.60 per minute
Standard 3 Business Days
AI + human transcripts with 99%+ Accuracy
Transcripts in 0-3 days 
Multi-channel audio support
Support for multiple file types, including trials
Body of the transcript includes Q/A, bylines and speaker names
Transcript editor with audio-to-text sync
Customizable lines per page and characters per line   
For Ease of Certification

Ready to Certify

most popular
$3.25 per page
$2.30 per minute
Standard 5 Business Days
Premium transcripts ready to be signed, certified and filed
AI plus multiple layers of human transcription for 99%+ Accuracy
Custom formatting provided 
More customizable preferences available (contact sales) 
Pick your date for same-day to 5-day turnaround transcript delivery
Multi-channel audio support
Support for multiple file types, including trials
No editing needed 

Unmatched Quality in Every
Legal Transcript

Rev partners with court reporting agencies to enhance productivity and drive profitable growth. Discover unmatched accuracy and speed with our scalable Speech-to-Text services.

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